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Choosing Your Pet’s Kitty Furniture

February 1, 2025

Does your feline buddy have a kitty tower? Cats are really adept at making themselves comfortable. Fluffy doesn’t have any qualms about stretching out or curling up on your bed, chair, sofa, table, laptop, lap, floor, or, well, anything and everything else she can fit on. This is one reason that cats are so easy to care for: they are purrfectly content to make do with whatever you have. However, these delightful balls of fur do both love and benefit from having a few items that they do not have to share with their humans. A Slidell, LA veterinarian outlines how to choose furniture for your feline buddy below.

Why Should I Get My Cat Her Own Furniture?

You do not need to fill your home with things for Fluffy. However, we would recommend that she have a few things of her own.

Here are a few reasons why.

Security: Trees offer multiple functions for wild kitties. They provide Fluffy a safe haven to escape predators; offer her a good vantage point; and serve as both napping areas and manicure stations. Cat towers also serve as a reminder of these safe locations, and just naturally make kitties feel more secure.

Sleeping Spots: We probably don’t need to explain this one very much. Kitties are constantly on the lookout for new napping areas! (Fluffy also often considers her humans to be napping spots, but that is beside the point.) 

Given Fluffy’s ability to sleep up to 20 hours per day, it’s no surprise that beds rank high on her list of favorite things. (Fluffy will sleep in a pizza box, a lasagna pan, or a plant pot, but that’s another topic.) Store-bought beds are excellent, but you may also build your own. You can also place folded blankets on a chest or ottoman to increase purrs.

Privacy: Everyone needs a private, peaceful space to retreat to. That applies to kitties, too! Fluffy may require a break from your youngster, the dog, the vacuum cleaner, or simply the hustle and bustle of people moving back and forth.

Elevation: As you may have noticed, many of our feline friends enjoy heights. Your pet will not have a decent vantage point from ground level. Kitties have a natural ability to climb. Fluffy’s claws are angled in such a way that she can easily scale things. (Going down is a little difficult and must be learned, but that’s another story.) This isn’t just because our feline buddies want to have people gazing up at them in affection, though that may be a plus. In the wild, kitties are both hunters and hunted. They must continuously be alert for predators or any other hazards. That is, of course, much easier to accomplish from a lofty vantage point.

Peticure Stations: One of the few disadvantages of having a kitty is that Fluffy may decide to do her nails on your furniture. Your pet is not attempting to be destructive; she is simply satisfying her inherent urge to keep her nails sharp. This is a clear case of ‘if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. You won’t have much success convincing your furry little diva to stop doing her nails on your things, and you should definitely never chastise her for it. That will just confuse your pet and possibly make her afraid of you. It’s much better to simply provide a good kitty manicure station. This will protect your furnishings while also satisfying your pet’s natural scratching instinct.

Why Are Our Feline Friends So Obsessed with Boxes?

We really can’t talk kitty furniture without including boxes. The official hypothesis holds that Fluffy feels safer in compact, enclosed spaces. This seems logical because nothing can sneak up on them. However, that argument crumbles when you see photographs of our feline pals pushing themselves into boxes that are too big, too small, or nothing more than a square boundary of tape.

Tips for Choosing Fluffy’s Cat Tower

When it comes to kitty furniture, the cat tower is, of course, the gold standard. Choosing a scratching post or tower isn’t exactly rocket science, but there are a few considerations.

Sturdiness: You’ll need something solid. Fluffy’s tower should be able to resist a variety of high-octane kitty antics, which may include your pet taking a flying jump onto the tower or simply propelling herself up it at high speed. Your furball’s safety is, of course, the primary concern here, but there is another factor as well. If your pet’s tower wobbles as she attempts to use it, she may grow apprehensive. This is probably also instinctive. (It’s easy to understand why our feline pals would have realized that utilizing an unstable tree as a nail-care station would not go well.) The tower should also be able to support your pet’s weight comfortably. You should use caution while dealing with fragile or inexpensive towers.

Room: If you have more than one cat, make sure to choose something that will fit all of your kitties at once.

Access: Keep your pet’s age in mind. While kittens may have no trouble scrambling to the top of a tower, an older cat will prefer something easier to get on and off.

Height: As previously said, our furry buddies enjoy climbing to high spots. In general, higher is better.

How Many Cat Towers Does Fluffy Need?

There is no true upper limit here. If you want to buy your furry little diva a dozen or more cat towers or trees, go for it! As far as the minimal number of trees or towers, we recommend at least one per kitty.

More Types Of Cat Furniture

Cat towers and beds are perhaps Fluffy’s favorite components, but they are far from the only ones. In fact, you may get a variety of adorable and entertaining purrniture pieces for your feline.

Here are some examples:

Spinning Cat Wheels: You’ve probably seen the wheels that are popular among smaller animals such as hamsters and gerbils. There are also cat-sized versions of them. This is an excellent choice for a lively, energetic furball.

Shelves: If you truly want to spoil your animal friend, consider getting her some shelves. Our feline buddies always enjoy scampering about at high elevations!

Window Seats: Does Fluffy have a favorite window spot? We think she probably does. While your pet won’t mind if you get her a posh window seat, she’ll be equally satisfied with a space on an ottoman or recliner with a nice view. Your furry pal will love having a spot with a view, so she can relax, sunbathe, and observe nearby wildlife.

Litterbox Concealing Tactics: This one is about hiding functionality behind form. You can purchase items designed expressly to hide Fluffy’s purrsonal powder room. You can also be creative by upcycling something. For example, you could upcycle an old dresser or desk to hide the litterbox. This would also work on a trunk. The main thing is to ensure that your furry pal can go in and out. You’d also need to be able to access it for cleaning. There are many fantastic examples and suggestions for this online.

Book An Appointment At Our Slidell, LA Pet Clinic

Is your furry companion due for a checkup? Have you recently adopted a new pet? Please contact us, your local Slidell, LA pet hospital, for all of your pet’s veterinary care needs. We are always delighted to help!

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