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Key FAQs About Canine Arthritis

July 15, 2024

As you may be aware, arthritis is very common in older dogs. The most prevalent type of arthritis we see in our canine friends is osteoarthritis (also known as degenerative joint disease). This painful ailment is the result of wear and tear on Fido’s joint soft tissues. As your pooch ages, his tendons and ligaments weaken and lose suppleness, resulting in friction, irritation, and pain. In this article, a local Guelph, ON vet discusses what to watch for.

How Do You Know If a Dog Has Arthritis?

Every dog is unique, so the symptoms may not manifest in the same manner in all pups. However, arthritis normally develops gradually. Symptoms may appear to come and go at first, but they will gradually worsen over time.

Fido can’t tell you if he’s hurt, so keep an eye out. Symptoms typically begin lightly and progressively intensify over time. In the early stages, you just may notice your dog slowing down. Your canine companion may be reluctant to play and/or climb stairs, and he may appear less lively than he once did during walks.

Other signs of arthritis are:

  • Limping: Fido may limp temporarily when he initially gets up. The limp may subside after he gets up and moves. However, as time passes, it will become more noticeable.
  • Stiff Gait: You may notice that your furry friend moves stiffly. This could be more severe when he first wakes up or after a strenuous walk or play session.
  • Reduced Interest In Play: Fido may gradually lose interest in chasing balls, sticks, squirrels, and the neighbor’s cat.
  • Licking/Biting Sore Spots: Dogs frequently lick or chew on sore regions. You may notice your dog fretting at his legs or paws.
  • Change In Body Shape: Muscle conformation change is prevalent in hip dysplasia. Your pet’s chest may expand as his rear end shrinks. (Fido may also start putting on pounds, but that’s another topic.)
  • Flinching: Your canine companion may dislike having aching joints touched. He may shudder, flinch, or just appear apprehensive of being touched or petted in specific spots.
  • Difficulty Climbing: Arthritic dogs may struggle to ascend and descend stairs. Fido may also have difficulty getting into and out of the car. If he’s allowed to use your beds and couches, he may also have a harder time getting on and off those. Pet ramps or stairs can help with this.
  • Changes in Attitude: Pain does little to improve anyone’s mood. That holds true for both dogs and humans! Fido may appear unusually gloomy or morose. He may also appear introverted or irritable.

Of course, your veterinarian is the final authority. If you know or think that your pet has arthritis, you should schedule an assessment soon away.

What Age Do Dogs Get Arthritis?

Fido can get arthritis at any time in his life. By the age of eight, almost four out of every five canines exhibit signs. However, one in every five experience symptoms at only one.

Breed certainly has a factor here. If you have a mutt, consider getting a doggy DNA test done on your canine companion. This can assist in establishing whether he is prone to any particular conditions. It’s also just interesting to find out what breed or breeds your four-legged pal actually is!

What Causes Canine Arthritis?

As previously said, arthritis is usually caused by wear and tear. All of Fido’s joyful jumps and bounces finally take a toll on his bones and joints.

However, other factors can also contribute. Arthritis can also result from an injury, such as ligament damage or a broken bone. It’s also more common in specific breeds. Other potential causes include joint deformities, infection, dietary imbalances, obesity, immunological disorders, cartilage problems, and conformation.

Your pet’s exercise history can also be a factor. If Fido has previously had too much, too little, or the inappropriate types of activity, particularly during puppyhood, he may be at elevated risk.

Obesity And Arthritis

Obesity is a very common concern among our canine companions. In fact, up to 56 percent of our canine companions are overweight or obese. This can undoubtedly contribute to and/or worsen arthritis. Extra weight puts additional strain on your pet’s bones and joints. This will make it more difficult for Fido to run and play, and it will worsen his already injured joints, increasing inflammation and stiffness.

It’s certainly worth noting that many of our canine patients’ humans have been trained to share tasty bits of food and/or deliver treats on demand. If Fido has you wrapped around his paw, you might need to brace yourself. We know that cute furry face is hard to resist, but letting your pup become overweight isn’t good for him. Ask your veterinarian for advice, including portion sizes.

Keeping An Arthritic Dog Active

Fido will always require some form of exercise, even if he has arthritis. However, there are some dos and don’ts for keeping an arthritic puppy active. It may be best to avoid encouraging your dog to jump or stand on his back legs, as this might strain his bones and joints. Many arthritic pups thrive on short, regular walks. Swimming might also be a good choice, if it’s warm enough and your pet appreciates it. However, that will not be suitable for all of our canine companions.

When walking or playing with Fido, try to stay on firm, flat ground. Also, avoid high-impact and intense activities. Make sure to get some customized advice from your Guelph, ON veterinarian.

How is Canine Arthritis Treated?

Arthritis, sadly, is incurable. However, there are techniques to delay its development and manage Fido’s pain, both of which will help him live a better life overall.

If you notice any signs of arthritis in your furry friend, contact his veterinarian immediately. It is critical to get a complete review of your puppy’s condition. Early treatment can have a significant impact!

All of our canine companions are unique. Once Fido’s diagnosis is complete, your veterinarian will be able to provide specific choices. Medication may be helpful. This may include anti-inflammatories and/or pain relievers. You may also have alternatives for administering your pup’s medications. Some are available as daily tablets or liquids to be taken with food, while others are administered via injection. Your veterinarian may also suggest joint supplements or special diets.

Surgical treatment may be beneficial in some circumstances, but this depends on the pup and the severity of his disease. Your vet will go over options after evaluating your beloved pet.

Caring For An Arthritic Dog

Your canine pal’s home care regimen will also be a factor. For example, a comfortable orthopedic bed will help Fido sleep soundly at night. Pet ramps or steps may also be beneficial to your dog. If your flooring is slippery, try installing carpet runners or mats to minimize the risk of dangerous slips and falls. Ask your Guelph, ON veterinarian for specific guidance.

Conclusion: Although canine arthritis cannot be cured, it can be controlled. Be on the alert for warning symptoms like limping, stiffness, and a lack of interest in playing. If you notice anything unusual, contact your veterinarian immediately.

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Have you got any questions about your pet’s health or care? Contact your Guelph, ON animal clinic at any time!

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