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Selecting Furniture for Your Cat 

August 15, 2024

Our feline companions are experts at finding the coziest spots for themselves. Fluffy is unreserved when it comes to stretching out, sprawling, or curling up on your bed, chair, sofa, table, laptop, lap, floor, or practically any surface she can find. Kitties are easy to care for because they are quite content with whatever you provide. Cats genuinely appreciate and benefit from having certain items that are exclusively theirs, without the need to share with their humans. Continue reading as a local Grange Hill East, ON veterinarian shares insights on choosing the purrfect furniture for your cat.

What Are the Benefits of Providing Furniture for My Cat?

Your home doesn’t need to be cluttered with items for Fluffy. Generally, we recommend ensuring she has a few personal items.

Why? Simply space. Everyone needs a personal sanctuary where they can retreat. Fluffy might require a break from the toddler, the dog, the vacuum cleaner, or simply the constant activity of people moving around.

Elevation: Cats have a strong affinity for elevated spots. Your pet will not enjoy an optimal view from the ground level. Kittens possess an innate talent for climbing. Fluffy’s claws are angled in a manner that facilitates her ability to climb various surfaces. (Descending can be somewhat more challenging and requires practice, but that’s a discussion for another time.) This isn’t solely due to cats enjoying our adoration from below, although that might certainly be a benefit. In the wild, cats are both hunters and prey. They must constantly be on the lookout for possible threats. It is certainly much simpler to accomplish from an elevated position.

Security: Trees provide a number of benefits for cats in their natural habitat. They offer a secure refuge from coyotes, grant them an effective vantage point, and also create cozy napping areas and grooming stations. Cat towers evoke a sense of safety for kitties, often instilling a natural feeling of security.

Nail Care Stations: One of the few drawbacks of having a cat is that Fluffy might choose to sharpen her nails on your furniture. Your pet isn’t being destructive; she’s simply satisfying her instinctive need to maintain her claws. This is certainly an example of embracing the idea of joining forces when faced with challenges. You won’t have much success getting your cat to stop scratching. Don’t punish her for this. This will only lead to confusion for your pet and could instill fear towards you.

Instead, create a delightful manicure station for your kitty. This will protect your furniture while satisfying your pet’s inherent needs.

Do Cats Need Beds?

Considering that Fluffy can sleep for as many as 20 hours a day, it’s no wonder that beds rank high among her favorite things. Store-bought beds are great, but cats are not usually that discerning when it comes to their sleeping arrangements. She might easily find comfort in a plant pot, a lasagna pan, or even a pizza box. Folded blankets can be placed on a chest or ottoman to provide additional comfort.

What is it about boxes that cats love so much? The prevailing theory suggests that cats find comfort in small, enclosed spaces. This is logical, as nothing can approach them unnoticed. Nonetheless, that theory unravels when you see images of cats cramming themselves into boxes that are excessively large, overly small, or merely a square shape made of tape.

Tips for Selecting a Cat Tower

Choosing a scratching post or cat tower is pretty straightforward, but there are a few important factors to consider.

Durability: Fluffy’s tower must be capable of enduring various feline antics. Keep in mind that this could mean your pet making a daring jump onto the tower or simply racing up it at full speed. While safety is undoubtedly the primary concern, there is an additional reason to consider. If your pet’s tower is unstable when she attempts to use it, she might develop a sense of caution towards it. This is probably instinctual as well. It’s easy to understand why cats might realize that utilizing a wobbly tree as a nail-care station could lead to undesirable outcomes.

Height: As previously stated, cats enjoy ascending to elevated areas. Generally speaking, the higher, the better. There is a caveat, however.

Age and Accessibility: Although kittens can easily climb to the top of a tower, an older cat may favor an easier option for getting on and off. Consider your pet’s age and any physical hindrances, and consult with your Grange Hill East, ON vet for specific guidance.

How Many Towers Should a Cat Have?

There really isn’t a definitive answer to this. If you want to treat your furry little diva to a dozen cat trees or even more, then feel free to indulge her! At a minimum, we recommend having at least one for each cat. It’s perfectly fine if two or even three cats share a tower. Ensure that the tower has sufficient levels to accommodate all of them simultaneously.

Other Options for Cat Furniture

While cat towers and beds may be Fluffy’s preferred choices, they certainly aren’t the only options available. In fact, there are a variety of adorable and entertaining purrniture options available for your feline companion.

Window Seats: Does your cat have a favorite spot by the window? She may not care if you purchase a fancy window seat; she will probably be just as happy with a place on an ottoman or an armchair that offers a nice view. This will provide your furry companion with a space to unwind, soak up the sun, and observe the local wildlife.

Cat Wheels: You may have come across the wheels that are quite popular among smaller pets, such as hamsters and gerbils. There are versions of these designed for kittens, too. This is an excellent choice for a spirited, energetic cat.

Cat Shelves: If you truly wish to indulge your furry companion, think about acquiring some shelves for her. Cats enjoy darting around at elevated heights.

Schedule an Appointment at Our Grange Hill East, ON Pet Clinic

Is your cat due for a check-up? Feel free to reach out to us, your neighborhood Grange Hill East, ON pet hospital, at any time. We are always happy to help!

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